Monday, October 26, 2015

Swiss Alps Experience

Zeb and Ivy and families - you'll never guess where we went yesterday. 
Gary and Linette took us over to Lauterbrunnen, which is about an hour or so from where they live. This is where you guys camped with the waterfalls, etc. BUT, instead of going into the valley, we boarded a train that goes up, and up, and up. We stopped at Wegenalp, looking straight across at Eiger, Münsch, and Juan Frau - The Top of Europe. We were up in the snowcovered mountains we looked up at last summer when walking in the valley.
Juan Frau
The lookout tower. Now I have to go back and watch the old movie, The Eiger Sanction. 
Gary and Linette.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That looks so pretty! I really miss Switzerland, it was one of the most beautiful countries to visit